Software Services

Computational Tools

AC optimal power flow

eRoots has tackled one of the classic power system problems, the AC optimal power flow. This formulation eliminates the error found in the DCOPF formulation, representing a significant saving in worldwide energy costs. We have developed an effective formulation of the AC OPF that can solve medium-sized grids in around 2 seconds and country-sized grids in 10-20 seconds with a standard laptop. In addition, we have added some extra functionality, including:


  • Ability to modulate tap-changing transformers
  • Applying quadratic generator costs
  • Ability to consider active and reactive power limits for generators
  • Option to provide slack variables to improve convergence.

The most promising extension to this problem we have developed is the nodal capacity calculation, which can provide users efficiently with the maximum generation and load that can be safely connected to a given node. This development is significant in the drive for decongestion in modern grids.

This software is fully integrated within the open-source GridCal platform.

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Enhanced modern functionality

AC/DC unified power flow

Today’s power system contains a large range of devices with many more options of controllability, specifically devices based on power electronics are growing in popularity, enhancing system flexibility and control. At the same time, DC grids are occupying a large part on the power system. Therefore, it is essential for basic analysis tools such as power flows to capture these realities.

eRoots has reformulated the classic power flow problem to include this extra functionality. These add-ons include:

  • Unified formulation for quadratic convergence
  • Accurate modeling of AC and DC subgrids, including converter losses
  • Remote bus and node control, including with slack node
  • Modulation of tap-changing transformers

This method is fully integrated within the open-source GridCal platform.

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Innovative planning algorithms

Grid investment optimization tool

eRoots has developed a genetic algorithm based method for optimal power system planning. This method provides an easily visualizable curve that relates technical improvement to monetary investment in the grid. Thus, operators can determine the optimal investments for their grid within a given budget and obtain a clear roadmap of prioritized investments to provide immediate improvements. Additionally, this method is very flexible, and allows the inclusion of almost any power grid component.

This software is fully integrated within the open-source GridCal platform.

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Innovative software solutions

Short circuit calculation tool

With the presence of converters in modern grids, many dynamics of the power system are changing. One key area that is affected involves short circuits in the system, as converters have different saturation behaviour compared to classic generators. eRoots has developed a patented tool that is able to calculate the steady state fault current in grids with converters, including the saturation mode of the converters. This tool will lessen the need for proprietary control data and expensive dynamic simulations for fault calculation. It is also a base for a new grid equivalent representation proposed by eRoots.

eRoots is investigating opportunities for pilot projects with this tool.

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Current development avenues

eRoots has various active software development activities. These include:

  • A generalized ACOPF formulation which also includes security constraints and AC/DC grids
  • A small signal stability tool to analyze control stability and interactions without dynamic simulations
  • A decentralized converter control mode decision method base on swarm intelligence
  • Applications of tensor decomposition to dynamic simulations
  • Application of grid optimization method to offshore interconnection planning
  • Optimal microgrid planning tool

We are open to collaborating within these topics.
If you have any interest we would love to hear from you!

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